Products are either fulfilled by Blink23 or sellers. Items shipped by sellers
from Blink23 Marketplace are based on seller’s shipping policy. You can see the
shipping fees prior to checkout. Blink23 ships through our carrier partners
globally. International shipping prices are provided by our carriers. The
shipping cost is higher for first initial pounds, and cost less per lb as you
ship larger packages. We have several shipping options.
US Shipping
Shipping Blink23 warehouse standard rates:
1 to 4 oz |
$3.49 |
5 to 8 oz |
$3.85 |
9 to 12 oz |
$4.75 |
13 to 15.99 oz |
$5.98 |
1 to 2 lbs |
$10.95 |
>2 to 3 lbs |
$12.45 |
>3 to 4 lbs |
$14.95 |
>4 to 5 lbs |
$19.95 |
>5 lbs |
$24.95 |
Some items that require special handling may have different shipping fee.
Delivery time is typically 3-7 business days. Items with longer shipping time are
indicated in the product details section.
Shipping from sellers in the US charges vary by seller.
International Shipping
There are 2 shipping methods: Direct and Shared Economy. All products are shipped
via air.
Tip on saving shipping fees: order more bulk less frequently and use shared
International – Direct Shipping
Products are shipped from origin to customer directly as ordered. This results in
faster shipping and highest cost as international air shipping can be expensive.
International – Shared Economy
Products are shipped in aggregated boxes with in larger shipment so that costs
can be lowered. Blink23 facilitates aggregation and redistribution for final
delivery. This method may require waiting time to group shipments together as
multiple orders are received. If the shipment is not full by the end of 2 weeks,
you have the option to cancel, ship direct or continue waiting. The balance of
shipping direct costs will be charged to your credit card if this option is
selected. Shipping price include international and domestic shipping to your
final destination.
Packages can be picked up locally for free. Pickup location will be provided with
your confirmation email.
Local Delivery
Products can be sent to local destinations.
Myanmar local delivery is $5 for each 10kg or 22lbs.